Friday, July 31, 2009

Why? - Eskimo Snow

Some Guy again with more music! And it’s an actual review of a new album rather than a recommendation. I’ve been kinda lazy lately but no more! I’m going to try to contribute more often here, although it’s quite likely that I’m just going to continue to be lazy and write something like once a week. Hopefully not. But knowing me it’s a serious possibility.

I’ll skip the stupid crap (And by skip I mean save it for later) and get straight to the review! Recently one of my bros from the internet informed me that the new Why? album, Eskimo Snow, was leaked. My face changed from one of passive disinterest to ZOMGZ NEW WHY OMGZ OMG LINK LINK LINK. There was also some drooling in anticipation on my keyboard when I waited for the download from Rapidshit to finish. In case you all don’t know Alopecia is one of my favorite albums ever. The unique blend of hip hop and indie rock is something that my ears would love many times over and over again.

Sadly this new album goes in a bit of a different direction. I guess I kinda wanted another album like Alopecia, but different. This is waay different. While Alopecia mixed hip hop and indie rock amazingly, this one has little to no hip hop elements at all. At least the lyrics are just as creative as ever. There’s no line that strikes me as being completely and totally amazing however (Such as Alopecia’s “In Berlin I saw two men fuck in the dark corner of a basketball court.”).

There are a few standout tracks here. For example, the 3rd song on the album, Against Me, is quite awesome. Towards the end it is very hip hoppy, and then we have my favorite song on the album, Into the Shadows of My Embrace. It has a cool song title and somehow manages to not sound all pretentious and douchey. It’s probably my favorite because it sounds quite Alopeciaish. And there I go again making up adjectives. I need to stop that, unless they are positive adjectives.

The music is still pretty good for what it is. I’ve never been a huge indie rock fan (Most of the genre doesn’t do much for me at all, actually), but this album is still enjoyable. I’m sure those who really like the genre will like it even more than me. I’m also sure that people who adored Alopecia will also be a bit disappointed by this abrupt change, but eh what the hell. It’s still not horrible. It also shows yet again that the band is capable of changing their style without totally screwing up unlike some. So I guess this is pretty good compared to what it could have been. It’s also worth note that this album was written roughly around the same time Alopecia was. I wonder what their next album will sound like?

I give Eskimo Snow a 7.8 out of 10 for being a creative diversion from what I’m used to and having a few amazing songs but not being another Alopecia.

Now I know what you’re thinking, where’s the download link? Well that’s the thing. I can’t find one on the internet. I’m not going to upload my own because this album isn’t out yet and I am paranoid about the FBI raiding my home finding the 81 GB of mostly illegally acquired music on my hard drive and then taking it away from me. I would cry so you are going to have to locate the download link elsewhere. However I will check back every so often to find a download link and when I do find one you know where to find it.

OK I found one, but I can’t guarantee it will exist for very long.

Download link:

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Some Guy OUT!


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